I really don’t have much as far as referrals and testimonials. I been trying to figure out how to do them here lately. I’m not eligible for most things Google for collecting testimonials because I don’t want to hand out my home address and I also really don’t sell much local. I don’t need found in my local search and would rather the local needle shop be found. It would be terrible if someone came to my house looking for cross stitch supplies. (Although my closet would probably substitute pretty well for a store.) So, there isn’t a really nice 3rd party option for testimonials or reviews for my business.
Here is what I have though that not many of the other business types do. I have a gallery… this gallery is the most special things in the whole world to me. It’s better than reviews or testimonials really, the folks featured in this gallery got their chart, stitched them and finished it. They then thought of me… after the fact, so these folks are so awesome that when they were done with my product – they sent me their results. This is better and more special each and every entry.
There is nothing bad about getting a chart and not sending me an image or even tossing it in the closet. Those are fine if that’s what you do.
Anyways this is Carol Scallion’s stitching and if you search out this gallery, you will find that this is her second project with me. I’m so very proud to be able to share her project with you. It turned out just so amazing. I wish I could meet all the pets that I get to chart up.
This was so dark I was worried when I charted it and I wanted the eyes to glow, I’m pretty sure I left some colors with only 3 or 4 stitches. They were the brightest colors, and I just wanted those eyes to be seen. She stitched this piece brilliantly and I’m so happy she shared these amazing results with me and with all of you.